Bill’s passion for real estate extends 45 years as a shopping center executive including 20 years at Simon Property Group. As a Vice President / Assistant Vice President, he was a Leading producer for Simon Property Group for 10 consecutive years in the top 50 markets throughout the Midwest, Southeast, and Florida. In 2015, Bill founded ABC Advisors a consulting and leasing company for A, B, C, rated regional properties.
Professionally he has generated revenue results and surmounted budget forecasts for over 80 million sf of property with major developers throughout his career. During his tenure he has established personal relationships with many well-known retailers in the United States. Bill is an accomplished creative dealmaker, strategist, and leader in the real estate industry. He is also a Member of the ICSC/ International Council of Shopping Centers and a graduate of West Virginia University. He resides in downtown Indianapolis with his wife Lisa Clare and is a proud parent of 3 daughters and has 7 grandchildren.
Vice President/Leasing (Limited Partner) – Geo. D. Zamias Company
Senior Vice President/Real Estate – Crown American Corporation
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